
Thank you for expressing interest in becoming a volunteer at Laclede Co. C-5 School District, Joel E. Barber School. Below you will find instructions for completing all steps required to volunteer in our building. In accordance with our safety procedures, all steps must be completed before working in the building.

Classroom Party visitors will not need to complete these steps unless serving in the role of Room Parent/Volunteer.

Questions about Volunteering, or the processes to apply, can be directed to Community Outreach Specialist, and Volunteer Coordinator, Aleah Bench at or 417-532-4837 ext. 7109.

The district SRCSP document indicates that at this time (8/1/23), volunteers and visitors will be permitted in the building if acting in accordance with district procedures and policies. The SRCSP document has also allowed for lunchroom visitors and classroom party visitors during Fall, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day parties on a limited basis and with consideration to room capacity. 


  1. Complete Volunteer Application and register for and complete volunteer training. 
  2. Complete and pass a Background Check (instructions in link) and email a copy to or return printed copy to the front office.
    1. If you have previously had a background check through the Family Safety Care Registry, call 866-422-6872 and request a free updated copy of your background check.

All items above must be completed prior to working in the building.