Parent Teacher Organization
Joel E Barber PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)
Joel E. Barber Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a non-profit group of parents and teachers which exists to improve the educational experience of all students at Joel E. Barber. Joel E. Barber PTO is not managed or sponsored by Laclede County C5 School District or Joel E. Barber Elementary, and functions as a stand-alone entity under the management and direction of the members and officers.
Contact PTO:
Ashley Buchmeier (President)
Kim Mizer (Vice President)
Nicole Lane (Secretary)
Kristi Carr (Treasurer)
2024 - 2025 Meeting Dates
Meetings will be held at Joel E. Barber School in room 128. If school is cancelled, PTO meetings will also be cancelled.
6:00 Meeting Time
- September 23
- October 28
- November 25
- December 16
- January 27
- Feb 13 (Pack Snack Attacks)
- February 24
- March 17
- April 28
- May 19
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PTO Funds Request
Current JEB staff may select this link to fill out the PTO funds request.
Mission: It is the mission of the Joel E. Barber PTO to help support teachers/staff and students in order to offer the best possible learning and working experience.
Purpose: The purpose of this process is to help alleviate some of the personal financial burden teachers and other staff members incur during the school year. Funds requested will be used to enhance learning and working conditions within the school community.
Information: Funds may be requested by employed staff of Joel E. Barber. Funds are to be appropriated in the areas of educational enhancement, classroom resources or materials, incentives for staff or students, or any other use deemed to be appropriate by school administration and subject to the approval of the PTO. Employees may request money for their school needs as often as they wish as long as they go through the proper requisition process. Please submit the requisition form to the JEB PTO email listed below. Once a requisition has been made, the PTO will discuss the application at the next meeting after the submission. The person requesting funds is highly encouraged to attend the meeting as members may wish to ask additional questions. Once a decision has been made, the requester will be notified by the president of the PTO or an assigned representative of the PTO organization via email correspondence. The PTO president will also notify JEB school administration.
Directions: Please complete the application and attend the NEXT PTO meeting.
Conclusion: If you have any questions you may contact a PTO officer at
Outline of the reimbursement process:
Step 1: Submit this application to the JEB PTO either via email to or in person at one of our meetings
Step 2: Attend the next meeting in order to discuss your request
Step 3: If approved, details of the payment will be discussed with you and this information will be provided to JEB admin and may possibly be used on our facebook page and other outlets for PTO information
Reimbursement information:
- If the financial burden of the project is over $5,000 PTO will issue a check to the individual or the school for the purposes of the project only. If the purchase can be made between the JEB PTO and the vendor directly, the PTO and the individual requesting funds will work this out at the meeting in which the request is approved.
- If the financial burden is less than $5,000 the individual or the school may purchase the items needed for the project and then submit the receipts to Jentry Tyre at the front office. Jentry will then provide the PTO with the images of the receipts via email within 1 week of the purchase of the item.
The JEB PTO will reimburse JEB or the individual within 30 days of purchase with most reimbursements taking place within a week.